Luna Sights – Browse an inspiring world of craters, mountains, lava channels and more!

Curating pretty sights of our Moon.

The amazing views of our Moon from the Orion spacecraft part of NASA’s Artemis I mission have inspired me to enhance this special page of curated Moon views with more resources.

Partly inspired by NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD), Luna Sights is my project to showcase interesting places on our Moon. It’s a curated gallery series touring pretty sights on our cosmic neighbor, as imaged by various lunar orbiters and other spacecraft over decades. Each image within the galleries below links to a brief post, usually self-written, which explains the geological importance of said lunar feature and why there’s value in exploring it.

Note: You can click on the images to view each gallery.

Gallery: Our Moon’s captivating craters
Gallery: Our Moon's marvelous mountains
Gallery: Our Moon's lovely lava channels
Gallery: Just some weird yet wonderful features on our Moon
Video: Watch the Moon in 3D

Take more visual tours of our Moon ✨

Here are plenty of curated external resources to marvel at our cosmic neighbor.

Views from Apollo | Apollo landing sites from orbit
View Moon rocks in 3D and dissect them with the Astromaterials Lunar Sample Collection | See Apollo rocks in a Virtual Microscope
From NASA’s LRO team: Explore our Moon like Google maps with LROC QuickMap | Browse the fantastic LROC Blog full of high-resolution images
China’s Chang’e lunar sample database
Experience Apollo in real time | Browse the Lunar Sample Compendium
Pre-Apollo: Lunar photographs from Lunar Orbiter, Ranger and Surveyor

Like my creation and curation?

The curated Luna Sights and all my Moon projects and articles are completely free to access by everyone and regularly updated. If you like my labor of lunar love, you can sponsor my work. It would mean the Moon to me.

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