Sponsor Moon Monday

Moon Monday is the world’s only newsletter dedicated to covering global lunar exploration, science, commercial and policy developments. Since November 2020, Moon Monday has been tracking the progress of all major pieces driving our renewed, worldwide return to exploring our cosmic neighbor, including plans to return humans this decade.

The newsletter is written weekly by Jatan Mehta, a globally published independent space exploration writer, invited speaker, and consultant. Moon Monday’s readership includes planetary scientists and engineers, personnel at national space agencies, executives at space companies, and fellow writers & journalists.

If you value Moon Monday as a community resource, kindly consider sponsoring it either as an organization or an individual. By sponsoring Moon Monday, you’ll reach deeply enthusiastic people who support our Moon’s unique and fundamental role in space. You’ll also support independent science writing. I accept sponsorships in line with my comprehensive Editorial Independence Policy.

If your company or organization would like to sponsor Moon Monday and get visibility with my global lunar audience, email me and I’ll send you a sponsorships document with details:

Support one or multiple Moon Mondays as you please:

  • $50: Support one Moon Monday edition
  • $400: Support a Moon Monday every month for a whole year

Other payment options: Donorbox / Ko-Fi / Patreon

If you have any queries, or are facing issues, get in touch.

Current sponsors

Here are the kind organizations who sponsor Moon Monday.


And here are individuals sponsoring more than one edition of my newsletters in a year:

Gurbir Singh
Arun Raghavan

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Sponsor Indian Space Progress

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