My articles on our search for alien life
Countless worlds beyond Earth are brimming with possibilities of life. Our exploration of the Solar System and the exploding field of exoplanets have already expanded our notions of places where life might arise and take solace—from Earth-like planets to icy moons with underground oceans.
Here are articles and notes I’ve published on humanity’s search for life in our solar system and the Universe, and some of our missions that lead or support the endeavor.
🪐 Places of promise
Water plumes from Saturn’s icy moon may show promising signs of life
Are the Universe's smallest stars promising places for life?
🛰️ Missions
- How JUICE will explore Jupiter’s icy moons
- TESS is finding Earth-like planets around the galaxy's most common stars
- ExoMars: The Kazachok lander and Rosalind Franklin rover