I write for you, not social media or SEO
Many of my headlines make little sense to Google, Web Search Engines, and for SEO. For example, I titled Moon Monday #199 as “Not the fault in our stars but certainly stressful faults on our Moon”.
Most likely, mainstream social media algorithms don’t care much for such headlines either. Screw them all! Most people don’t write headlines for fun anymore. Or even people. I write Moon Monday on this blog for my human readers, not bots. As long as you like it, I like it. 🌝
In fact, I do anti-SEO. And readers have voted with clicks to prove they dig it. Each of my articles have several dozens of links to cite everything and credit everyone. I want my readers to visit other websites, sources, and people to not only verify information but seek more. Unlike most media publications, including high-profile ones, I don’t care about my website’s “bounce rates” and so I don’t do this ritual of only linking to my own posts. My blog+newsletter stats consistently show that external links in every Moon Monday edition get hundreds upon hundreds of clicks. Here’s an example from Moon Monday #190 of the five most clicked links out of a total of 79:

These are numbers to be proud of, not avoid. So many of you have written to me over the years to say how you find my linking to be very useful, especially because it can cover additional information I may not. And so with this whole process, you get everything lunar globally in one place. This is what matters.