Grateful to the 5,000 of you for reading Moon Monday ?

Hello fellow lunatics! I’m happy to share that my Moon Monday newsletter now has more than 5,000 readers. 🚀
Thank you so much to each one of you for reading my labor of lunar love. It means a lot that so many space buffs want to stay in the loop on what I have to say every Monday. My deep gratitude also goes to the kind sponsors of Moon Monday who help financially sustain this one-of-a-kind newsletter: Epsilon3, Open Lunar Foundation, and The Orbital Index. And I’m also grateful to the many individual supporters of my independent space writing, whose support has been a morale boost.
One of my goals when starting Moon Monday in late 2020 was to reach and serve a truly global audience, including people specifically at space agencies, companies, research institutions, and media publications. And so, I’m happy and proud to report below the relative distribution of Moon Monday readers by country/region as well as a sampling of their employment organizations.

Given these milestones and considering the upcoming wave of exciting Moon missions from across the globe, I’d like to better know my readers and gather some feedback on how I can continue uniquely serving lunar and space communities. I request you to kindly take this private, 2-minute reader survey to that end:
If you value Moon Monday as a community resource, sharing it with at least one fellow lunatic would be great:
If your organization would like to sponsor Moon Monday while increasing your visibility among this unique newsletter’s highly enthusiastic audience, get in touch:
Here’s to going forward to our Moon together. 🌕
– Jatan.